Week 44: Luke 22:32

Week 44: Luke 22:32

Week 44

Luke 22:32 “But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail.  And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.”

Jesus had just announced the most terrifying prospect; Jesus told Peter that Satan had demanded to sift him like wheat.  After this verse, Jesus forthrightly declares that Peter will deny Him three times, in spite of Peter’s repeated assertions that he would remain faithful to Jesus.  Between fear and despair, one may collapse in utter failure!

However, Jesus gave Peter a promise that would deliver him from both fear and guilt; Jesus promised to pray for Peter that his faith would not fail.  As a result, even though Peter would fail, his faith would not fail.  Peter would repent and turn back to Christ, and his failure would become the platform from which he would “strengthen” his “brothers.”

In this passage, every Christian sees a mirror of his or her life experience in a spiritual battle on this earth. We are tempted and tried by the devil, and we often fail as a result, but failure is not the final verdict of our lives; instead, even failure becomes the impetus for further ministry and service.

But there is a constant powerful force that accompanies the Christian all through life; through every valley of darkness, and every trial of despair, this force will support and strengthen us to continue on.  What is this force?  It is the prayer of Jesus for His people in His high priestly ministry in heaven.

Christians often wonder what Jesus is praying for as He prays for us as our intercessor in heaven.  Here we have an answer to this question; Jesus is praying that our faith not fail during times of trial.  And, sweet Christian friend, if Jesus prays that your faith not fail, then your faith will not fail!

It is always encouraging to know that people are praying for us.  But how much more encouraging to know that Jesus is praying for us?  And because Jesus prays for the continuance and perseverance of our lively faith, our faith will continue on and on though it is tried and tested at many a turn.

Christian friend, you may face your uncertain future with this assurance: Jesus is praying for you!  And when Jesus prays for you, He is praying that you will endure in your holy faith.  Our faith may sag and drag, but our faith cannot be eradicated, it cannot be destroyed, because Jesus is praying for the survival of our faith as we live in this world of sin and brokenness.  When you are tempted to quit, remember Jesus is praying for you.  And remember when you fail in this life, Jesus is praying for you.  The door of repentance and confession of sin is always open.  Do not give up or give in, but come home to Christ.  And when you have “turned again, strengthen your brothers.”  Do not let your failure destroy you, but turn back to Christ.  There is a good future for you in God’s will and way.  You can still serve the Lord and be a blessing to God’s people.  Remember Jesus is praying for this!

Prayer: Dear Lord, please help me to not give in to depression and despair, especially when I fail You.  Remind me through Your Word that Your love is continual and permanent for me.  Help me remember that because of Jesus’ cross, I can be forgiven of sin and come home to Your acceptance through repentance and faith.  Thank you for Jesus’ mediatorial prayer ministry for me.  Amen.

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