Plan a Visit

Plan a Visit

We would love for you to join us
at a Sunday morning gathering!

Sunday School:
Sundays from 9 – 10am

Worship Service:
Sundays from 10:15 – 11:30am

650 Oakwood Dr, Fenton, MO 63026

First Baptist Church of Fenton

Frequently Asked Questions

Where should I park?

When a guest arrives on the parking lot of the First Baptist Church of Fenton, we want them to know a special parking space is available! It is marked with a sign near the main entry on the main parking lot. Parking is also available at the lower level lot with access to the Children and Preschool wing and the Fellowship Hall where most of the Adult and Youth Bible Study classes are located.

Where do I go when I walk inside the building?

You will be greeted at both entries with a smile by one of our Greeters. They will hand a Sunday bulletin to you and help you complete an information card at our Information Desk. The Information Desk (located in the Foyer at the Main Entrance) is the hub for finding all printed information about our church’s activities and ministries. Please take one of each!

After completing the registration form, you will see the entrance to the worship center on your right. Pick a pew anywhere you like! Our members will be very courteous and welcome you with a handshake!

What is your worship style like?

The contemporary question, “What is your worship style?” is answered in a unique manner. We base our worship music upon the sermon text for the worship service. Therefore, we may sing a blend of hymns and contemporary songs reflective of the sermon. You will hear choral music and soloists. We have a pianist, percussionist, acoustic guitar, and bassist. But, we also have a dedicated public reading of the Scriptures led by volunteer readers, and prayers are led by our Pastor and Deacons.  So, it’s not all about the music! We participate together in the worship of God who is worthy of worship!

Do you have childcare available?

Childcare (Extended Session) is available for children from birth to three years. At the age of four, our children join us as we worship together! Some of our families have all of their children with them during the worship service, and we welcome all the children as they learn about worshipping God. So, if you prefer to have your children join you in worship, you will not be alone!

The Extended Session is located on the lower level in the Children/Preschool Wing. Our teachers have passed background screening and training in Child Sex Abuse. We practice the two adult rule at all times! The teachers have training and experience in ministry with preschool children as well. The rooms are designed for the security and safety of all the children. Our building is secured during the Sunday School and Worship times. Each room has a monitor for communicating and receiving messages from the lower level and the upper level of our building. From the moment you arrive, we take our responsibility of caring for your children seriously!

What are the Guidelines Regarding Reopening Morning Worship?

When are onsite Sunday morning worship services for FBCF beginning, and who may attend these worship services at FBCF?  The First Baptist Church of Fenton will begin onsite Sunday morning worship services starting June 7 at 10:15 am.  All are welcome, including children, to these worship services; however, if a person is sick or showing symptoms of illness, we ask that they stay home till they feel better.  Each person is responsible for his or her healthcare choices, including the attendance of worship services.

May senior adults and children attend the morning worship services?  Yes, all are welcome, except those exhibiting illness.  We understand that also there may be those who are uncomfortable attending at this time a public worship service.  Seniors are welcome, but we understand if they choose to stay home until some time has passed.  Children are welcome in our worship services.  Remember, there is no childcare provided at this time, and we appreciate parents overseeing the children, so that they do not become a distraction to others worshipping.  We also understand if children refuse to wear masks.

What are the purpose and goals of the guidelines for these worship services?  The purpose and goals of the guidelines for reopening worship services at First Baptist Church of Fenton address two major issues. First, we want to continue the spiritual and biblical nature of church, including the worship of God and the preaching of the Word of God. Second, we want to do this in a safe environment. 

Are worshipers required to wear masks? We know that there are different views concerning the purpose and effectiveness of wearing masks. Based on good medical advice, we ask that worshippers wear their own masks entering and leaving the building. At this time, until further notice, worshippers may feel more comfortable removing their masks during the worship service. It is a good idea to wear masks where the six-foot distance cannot be maintained. This shows loving concern for others. We realize that it may be difficult to make children to wear masks, and we understand if children refuse to wear the mask. 

Will social distance recommendations be implemented? Yes, acceptable social distance is to be maintained at all times (at least six feet apart). We are using the six-foot distance as our measurement. We ask that no worshippers shake hands or hug. Please be respectful of others and their concerns regarding these matters. 

Will people be spaced in the sanctuary? Yes, the seating arrangement attempts to maintain the six-foot measurement.  Some seating arrangements may be modified to accommodate the congregation seating needs. The Security Team of FBCF will be available in the foyer to answer questions and help people find a suitable sitting area in the sanctuary.

What about the offering? Congregants may drop their offering into the secure slot at the Information Desk, and there will be two offering boxes freestanding on either side of the main double doors leading into the sanctuary. These boxes will be locked and secure. You may give your offering in these areas as you enter or as you leave the worship service.  A time in the worship service will be given to thanking God for the offering and dedicating the offering to the Lord’s work. Church members are encouraged to be faithful in their giving to the Lord’s work at First Baptist Church of Fenton. Online giving is available and is easy to use. 

How will the congregation be dismissed from the service? Dismissing the congregation at the end of the service will be managed by releasing rows of people. We will have helpers to manage this. 

What about spacing in the foyer? We ask that people not stop and fellowship in the foyer (before or after church). After being dismissed, proceed to the church parking lot, and you may fellowship there. 

Are the bathrooms available for use? The short answer to this question is – Yes.  The worship service will be approximately one hour in length, and there are no other meetings at this time at the church; therefore, we ask that worshippers use their own facilities at home before coming to church. The church restrooms are available for use, but there will be oversight of the restrooms to maintain proper distancing. 

Will there be other gatherings of small groups, choirs, and childcare? There will be no church gatherings of small groups, Bible studies, choirs, or childcare for the time being. Sunday school online meetings will continue for the foreseeable future. In addition, the pastor will continue to conduct Wednesday night prayer online meetings at 6 pm, and the pastor will conduct Pastor Time meetings on Sunday nights at 5 pm. Contact the pastor by email to receive information pertaining to connecting to these two weekly online meetings (

Will there be live streaming and recording of the service and sermon? Yes, preparations are being made to live stream the morning worship service at 10:15 am beginning June 7. The sermon will be recorded, but the worship service will not be recorded. The live stream REAL TIME worship service at 10:15 am can be accessed through the church website ( in the “sermon” area.  The sermon will be recorded and available at this same area of the website and later on YouTube (channel:  fbcfentonmo).

Will someone be available to help me when I arrive at church? Yes, the Security Team will be giving help and direction if needed.

Will the church be clean when I attend? Yes, the church is being cleaned using high-grade, hospital strength disinfectant. All high touch areas, including the bathrooms are being cleaned in this way. Hand sanitizer is provided in various locations for your use.

How can I stay informed about further changes and plans at the church? The pastor sends out church wide emails several times a week. Information is sent in these emails. If anyone is not receiving the pastor’s emails (and wants to receive them), contact the pastor by email ( 

When is the church office open?  For the time being, for a variety of reasons, the church office is open two days a week:  Monday (regular hours) and Thursday (9 am to 3 pm).  Church members can come by the church on those days and deposit their offering in the secure slot at the Information Desk in the foyer.  Church members may also mail their offering to the church, and there is an online giving option, as well (see church website or online giving information…

Questions? Contact our team!

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