Week 33
John 3:8 “The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
Although it would be true to say that the Holy Spirit and His work on this earth are beyond the scope of human understanding, what Jesus says here is different than this truth. What Jesus is saying here is: The one who is born again, born from above, born by the Spirit in spirit lives a majestic and mysterious life that is beyond the grasp of scientific discovery and explanation. The Christian can’t even explain the intricacies, subtleties, and power of this life; Christians live lives that are beyond our mental and intellectual capacity to unlayer or imagine.
Therefore, the Christian must confess that he or she is a miracle; the life the Christian lives can only be understood as a gift from God found in the life of Jesus Christ. We can never outline and pragmatize this life into a mass-produced product of human ingenuity and creativity. We simply smile with gratitude and joy that God has so favored us by bringing the life of Christ into our souls by His grace in the power of His Spirit informed by the teaching of the gospel in the Scripture.
Christian friend, Christ’s life IS our life! His life is the fountain that feeds our souls with life. His life is power that transforms our affections, wills, and thoughts. His life is the resurrection life that will conquer death when death comes for us. We live victoriously and eternally in the life of Jesus Christ. As long as Jesus lives, we will live also for we live in Him!
With such a realization, we rejoice in the Lord Jesus Christ that we have been blessed in such a way. We worship our Savior with love and deep appreciation for the cross of Christ and the saving grace of our heavenly Father. We recognize that we are not our own; we are indebted to Him who chose us from before the foundation of the world, and we are indebted to Jesus who died for us on the cross that we might be saved. Our hearts are filled with wonder and tribute to the God of our salvation.
The world will never understand the life of Christ nor the ones who live by the life of Christ. We are always the “outsiders” from the world; we do not (and we will not) participate in worldly affections, values, and behavior. We are the followers of Christ because it is in Christ that we live. We take joy in serving, not being served; we rejoice in investing our lives for Christ’s glory, and we treat others with respect, dignity, and kindness because we follow the Master of love. The world will never discern who and what we are, because our life in Christ is a complete mystery to the world. But we recognize each other, and together we will worship, serve, and glory in the Lord Jesus.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for the life You have given to us in Christ. Help us to live this life to honor and glorify Your precious name. Amen.