Week 7
Zephaniah 3:17 “The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing.”
Nothing quiets the troubled soul of a believer like the expressed love of God!
This text is found in an Old Testament book that is “hot” with rebuke and correction. God’s people had sinned grievously, and God was disciplining them.
And yet, in this final section of the final chapter of the book, God gives hope and promise to His people. His love for them never died, and now it finds its full expression again. It is as if God’s love, having been pent-up, now explodes in kindness, tenderness, and delight; He loves His people! And God wants His people to know and enjoy His love.
The expression of God’s love brings a glorious “quiet” to the souls of God’s people. They take great pleasure in God’s love; His love soothes them, calms them, and quiets them. They no longer fear, and anxious thoughts are cast away from their hearts. They are satisfied with God’s love for them; His love for them fills their souls with joy and peace!
Christian friend, is your heart troubled this day? Are you strained by the responsibilities of life, or are you hurt by some thoughtlessness of friends or family? Do you find yourself stressed with care and concern? Come to the Lord Jesus and find in Him sweet quiet and calm. His love will assuage your disquieted soul. Spend time with your Lord in the Scriptures and in prayer. Turn your difficulties over to Him, and trust in Him. Live in the warmth of His love and providential care for you. Then, you will find rest for your soul.
There is nothing equal to God’s love quieting our troubled souls! How precious this quiet is! This quiet brings a sense of safety and security, it soothes the turbulence of the worried heart, and it heals the emotional bruises of life’s punches. When quieted by our Savior’s love, we feel loved, wanted, and protected. We feel that all is well, for indeed, it is well! May our Lord’s love for you in the gospel of Jesus Christ serve to alleviate your fears and anxieties so that you may find rest for your soul.
Prayer: Dear Lord, amid my life’s troubles, I rest my head on Your promise to me in Christ. Please turn my tempestuous thoughts into a calmness that can only be explained by Your supernatural grace and love. Thank You for walking with me through this present trial. Amen.