Week 3
Luke 12:32 “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.”
In Luke 12 with tender concern and pity, Jesus had been teaching the practical nature of God’s compassionate providential care for His people. The beautiful colorful adornment that God gives to the pretty flowers tells us that He will clothe us and care for us. When the earth bursts forth in Springtime with a plethora of color and charm, it is Creation reminding us to trust God for our daily needs and concerns, for we belong to Him.
Jesus repeatedly addresses in Luke 12 the problem of worry and fear. O, how soul-sapping fear is! It robs us of our comfort and peace, and it dishonors God in our hearts, for it tells us lies about God. Fear shouts to us that God cannot be trusted, for He is not dependable. How horrible this lie is! How blasphemous! To declare God untrustworthy is equal to the Roman soldiers slapping Jesus in the face and mocking Him. How dare we do that!
With the careful skill of a gifted surgeon, and with the tenderness of a lover, Jesus softly says, “Do not fear, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.” With sweetness and love, Jesus gives to us momentous assurance that because we belong to the Lord, then ALL IS WELL! It is well because our Father has CHOSEN to give us the kingdom, the joyful context of peace and safety. Our Father will take care of us, for He has chosen us. And, in choosing us, He has also chosen to give us His kingdom. This means that we are included in the kingdom of God through faith in Christ, and to give us His kingdom life and blessing right now and in the future. The kingdom NOW is His providential care, His watchfulness over us in love. In the FUTURE aspect of His kingdom, every component of our lives (including our physical bodies in the resurrection) will so radically be affected by His grace, truth, love, purity, and joy that our entire humanity will sparkle with the glory of God! So, rejoice, dear people of God; rejoice! You are the little flock of a great Shepherd; He has chosen to give you His kingdom, be at peace!
Prayer: Dear Lord, no matter what happens here on earth, help me to know that I (as a follower of Christ) am part of Your loving flock; I am Your sheep. Help me on the tough days to remember that You are caring for me, for I am Yours. And help me to remember that I am living with the life of Christ in me, and I am living under the shelter of Your kingdom authority and care. Thank You for loving me and caring for me. Amen.