Week 20: Psalm 27:10

Week 20: Psalm 27:10

Week 20

Psalm 27:10 “My father and my mother have forsaken me, but the Lord will take me in.”

Loneliness is a pain that is hard to endure.  One can be in a crowd of people and suffer from the malady of loneliness.  Loneliness is knowing that one is not known; it is understanding that one is not understood.  Loneliness is the natural result of soul sadness when no one connects with you on the level of deep heart fulfillment.  And loneliness is universal and devastating!

The conditional presupposition given by the psalmist establishes the shadow of one of life’s deepest loneliness – abandonment by one’s parents!  Our earliest security, our first awareness of love, and our initial human connection are with one or both of our parents.  To be bereft of parents is to lose all sense of safety, belonging, and meaning; in other words – loneliness!

But life’s extremity is God’s opportunity!  The psalmist says, “the Lord will take me in.”  Even when the worst happens, the best is yet to be!  To be savingly connected to God through His redemptive covenant by grace in Christ is to have everything.  Thus did Paul pray in Ephesians 1:18-19, “I ask that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know the hope of His calling, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and the surpassing greatness of His power to us who believe.”

The Lord will take in and care for the abandoned child of God; He will take us into His love, His mercy, His kindness, His providential provision, and His protection.  We will find in our sweet Savior a refuge when all have cast us out.  And there is nothing better than to be in the shadow of His loving wings.

It is strange to note that in this short verse in Psalm 27, one can find the worst of conditions and the best of results; in fact, the best comes from the worst.  When my mother and father forsake me, then (in that hour of desperate loneliness and need), God will take me in. 

Dear Christian friend, do you find yourself in a circumstance of trouble and sadness?  It is at that point in your life that you will discover the greatest news of all – God is with you, and He will take you in.  Find His divine embrace to be comforting and satisfying, as nothing can be.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I am lonely and scared.  But I also know that You are with me.  And I know that your compassion for me is enough to get me through.  I will rest in You; I will be content with Your fellowship in my life.  For You are enough for me!  Amen.

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