What to Expect

What to Expect

When a guest arrives on the parking lot of the First Baptist Church of Fenton, we want them to know a special parking space is available! It is marked with a sign near the main entry on the main parking lot. Parking is also available at the lower level lot with access to the Children and Preschool wing and the Fellowship Hall where most of the Adult and Youth Bible Study classes are located.

You will be greeted at both entries with a smile by one of our Greeters. They will hand a Sunday bulletin to you and help you complete an information card at our Information Desk. The Information Desk (located in the Foyer at the Main Entrance) is the hub for finding all printed information about our church’s activities and ministries. Please take one of each!

After completing the registration form, you will see the entrance to the worship center on your right. Pick a pew anywhere you like! Our members will be very courteous and welcome you with a handshake!

The contemporary question, “What is your worship style?” is answered in a unique manner. We base our worship music upon the sermon text for the worship service. Therefore, we may sing a blend of hymns and contemporary songs reflective of the sermon. You will hear choral music and soloists. We have a pianist, percussionist, acoustic guitar, and bassist. But, we also have a dedicated public reading of the Scriptures led by volunteer readers, and prayers are led by our Pastor and Deacons.  So, it’s not all about the music! We participate together in the worship of God who is worthy of worship!

Childcare (Extended Session) is available for children from birth to three years. At the age of four, our children join us as we worship together! Some of our families have all of their children with them during the worship service, and we welcome all the children as they learn about worshipping God. So, if you prefer to have your children join you in worship, you will not be alone!

The Extended Session is located on the lower level in the Children/Preschool Wing. Our teachers have passed background screening and training in Child Sex Abuse. We practice the two adult rule at all times! The teachers have training and experience in ministry with preschool children as well. The rooms are designed for the security and safety of all the children. Our building is secured during the Sunday School and Worship times. Each room has a monitor for communicating and receiving messages from the lower level and the upper level of our building. From the moment you arrive, we take our responsibility of caring for your children seriously!

We pray that your first visit will be honored by God as we worship together on the Lord’s Day!

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